From the Executive Director

January 2022

As we watch the world reeling from yet another COVID-19 variant, further complicating and delaying a return to a new normal, we are very clear about one thing: The pandemic taught everyone that life can be short, things can change on a dime, and our time is precious. 
I'm asking for your help today, but it's not what you think. Yes, of course, we always need and appreciate your financial support, and please do consider a year-end gift, but that's not what I need today. We've been given a grant from the Hebson Family Foundation to increase our support of families. It may not be widely known, but dependent children are also eligible for dollar amounts equal to those received by their parent participating in our program.
As a recipient of this newsletter, you're familiar with our organization more than most, and we need your help to spread the word. 
If you know someone in need, of any age, please urge them to contact us to see if they qualify for our nutritional support program. We are especially looking for potential qualified clients that have dependent children living with them. Many people aren’t aware that we can offer $300 per month in grocery vouchers for clients with a child.
For more detail on this, please see the story below.
We are proud of the work we do, and we can’t do it without your support. And please remember that donations – and even a portion of the price of tickets to Evening Under the Stars – are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS or call 760-325-8481 to make your ticket purchase or donation today to take advantage of year-end tax deductions.
Thank you so much for your year-round support.
Mark Anton
C.E.O./Executive Director